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You do not visit the Basilicata by chance, but you choose to stay in this land just to live a different experience, immersing yourself in places where silence, colors, aromas and flavors lead away from the hustle and stress of modern life, giving unique sensations.
The woods and forests that cover the mountains are dotted with small and charming villages up to 1000 meters above sea level, where the pure air, the genuine flavors and the beauties of nature combine with the historical testimonies to satisfy every desire for knowledge.
Matera, city of the Sassi, a unique place that became part of the UNESCO World Heritage, along with its many rock churches.
A walk along the streets of the Civita, the oldest part of the city, allows you to penetrate the ancient urban area, formed by a dense network of caves, carved into the rock by shepherds to give shelter to their family and beasts.
An archaic architecture, without any design, which gave rise to a real monumental work, which has become an attraction for millions of visitors from all over the world.
A place so unique that it was chosen for the setting of several films, including "The Passion".

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